Uniting Teenagers Across the World to Solve Social Justice Issues with Valerie Weisler
A teenager uses her experience of being bullied to create a global organization that helps teenagers overcome social justice issues and validates their worth
Valerie Weisler founded The Validation Project. It started as a way to help children who were being bullied in school. Now it’s an international organization that unites teenagers in 105 countries to solve social justice issues. As amazing as that sounds, there’s another ingredient that makes this story even more interesting. Val started The Validation Project when she was fourteen years old – when she was bullied in school. Now at nineteen she is busier than ever. She’s leading and expanding her organization. She’s also an ambassador for the U.S. Department of State. And she’s still in college.
Get to know Val’s backstory, why she created The Validation Project, how it has evolved, how these experiences are shaping her career and life, balancing everything, and advice for others.
This nineteen year old is following her passions. That’s not a common phrase for many teenagers. Also, it’s inspiring to know that Val’s work and ideas are personal. They stem from situations she’s experienced, and she wants to make sure her generation has a voice in solving them.
Episode Extras
Val Speaks at the TEDx Youth@Hewitt Event