Pursuing A Dream by Helping Other Entrepreneurs with Tyler J. McCall
How an entrepreneur and Instagram marketer helps creatives be genuine and successful on Instagram
Tyler J. McCall, an entrepreneur and marketer, is helping creatives use Instagram to grow their businesses.
Tyler has a fresh perspective to business, admittedly, still figuring it all out. And that’s part of his wisdom and charm. He left a 9-5 job at the YMCA, and he’s following his entrepreneurial spirit.
If you don’t have it all figured out, your passion or career, this is a good episode for you. Because you’ll hear from someone who is making his business happen, successfully, and with honesty. The perspective you’ll hear is different than the, air quote, guru, ninja, or the, make loads of money quick ‘schpiel’ we often see online. This is a smart guy, sharing his knowledge, and pursuing a life he wants.
You’ll learn more about Tyler and his story, his company, and even advice for beginners to business, with a dash of new perspectives about showing up online.
Lastly, everyone hears me say great things about my guests. And it’s all true. But here’s the thing about Tyler — his community says amazing things about him daily. Just look at the comments in his Instagram feed or in his Facebook group. People really do love connecting with him.