Solving the Problems that Keep Us Stuck In Lives We Don't Love
Any of These Sound Familiar?
If any of these sound familiar, you're in the right place. We'll get you past them and have you take action on your ideas and dreams, right away.
Our Coaching Programs Get You
We Love That You're Different
You're different and often don't fit in – so are your ideas. You want someone that accepts you for all that you are and can help you without judgement. That's our story too and it's why we help dreamers in marginalized communities. We see the uniqueness of who you are and know that it's a key ingredient to a meaningful life.
Stop Feeling Lost
It's awful feeling lost. How do you pick the right path? Or what should you do next? It feels like you're waisting time. We've been there. Through years of experience, we figured out the right questions to ask and the right work to do, to create products people love, and that bring us deep fulfillment. Let's do that for you too.
Help Me Follow Through
It's easy to get motivated. But if only you could follow through – you'd actually get somewhere. You're not alone in that! We'll make it easy to take action, and you'll be surprised how amazing your accomplishments feel.
I Want A Meaningful Life
Why does it seem that most online courses or coaches are just about making money? You want to do something you love, know your life is valuable, and make money. Together we'll work for all of it.
This Took Me Years to Figure Out

Hi. I'm Christopher Swan, and I spent years dreaming – thinking about doing the things I love and creating real meaning in my life.
I imagined what it would be like to finally follow my dream and make an impact in the world. I also yearned to do something with my life that was of value. I felt stuck.
I knew dreaming about it wouldn't make it happen. But how do I actually change that? I didn't see role models that understood my unique ideas or truly who I was. I finally realized, I needed to make a plan and take action.
I did just that, on my own, and created the storytelling and personal development company Accidental Information, and the well-loved podcast, My Big Story with Christopher Swan.
The lessons I learned were life-changing – from the actions I took to the guests I learned from to the successes and failures I had. And they can help you do what you love, too.
Get started today with personalized coaching!
Stop just thinking about taking the next step in your passions, and schedule time with someone who has been there and knows how to take the right next step. You'll get seasoned advice to figure out your dream and actions to take, and accountability to follow through.

Get the Right Help to...
Find clarity and take action on my dreams
Our Clients Love Us

"Christopher has been my go-to thought partner to think about my cake business differently.
I have big goals, and I know I can reach them. It’s the how I’ll get there; that’s the mystery. Christopher has coached me through the overwhelming options I could take that made the most sense for me and my business. He’s connecting the dots between the ideas and work I need to do, with the dream I’m building. Also, every time we connect, I’m more excited and motivated to tackle it all, and I know it’ll happen."
Tina White // Owner, Willow Tree Bakery

"Christopher understands my business and gets what I dream about doing.
I just didn’t know how to get to that next step. I tend to get side tracked by things that don’t matter. That doesn't phase Christopher at all. He has guided me through the confusing business world, really simplifying it for me – and he’s great at getting my focus back to where it needs to be. He even reminds me of what I originally told him to help ground me. And he’s not just force feeding me ideas that aren’t relevant. These are things I care about, some that I don't always see. I can't recommend Christopher highly enough."
Ritz Guggiana // Owner, Nutri-Fit
Dream Building & Coaching
We've created three unique ways of turning your ideas and dreams into a reality. No matter if you need help in one idea, or a partner to help you uncover your dream plan and keep you accountable, or you just need a jump start and steps to follow, we can help you.
- 1A Get Focused coaching session will have you focus on one specific challenge. Need to make a big decision? Or need help starting a new project? We'll get specific in your idea and next steps, clarify priorities and direction, or even review your plan.
- 2Our Dream Building option is for the person serious about taking action on their dreams. In our multiple sessions, we'll clarify your passions, big idea, and build a plan together. Come with your ideas and motivation, and leave with actionable steps and a partner that holds you accountable. Let's start your podcast, business, and level up your dreams.
- 3The Jump Start Dream Plan gets you moving with your dream quickly. This plan is perfect for the dreamer that knows what they love and want to do, but they’re not sure how to start or how to connect it with their unique qualities. You get a customized plan written by us, and two sessions. You'll have priorities and steps to follow immediately!
Here's the Most Important Question:
When you're old and grey, will you regret not following your dream and living a life full of meaning?
Christopher Swan is the founder and chief storyteller of Accidental Information, a personal development and storytelling company. Christopher has helped share amazing human-based stories across spectrums of diversity, industries, and topics. He also helps dreamers that don't fit in, take action on their ideas and turn them into paths for meaningful lives.
Christopher initially struggled in understanding how to turn his passions into a life he loved and how to re-invent himself after a long corporate career. Through discovery, experimenting, and doing a lot of the work he loves, that’s how Accidental Information continues to live and evolve.
He also knows what it feels like not to fit in. As a gay man, coming out and being on the receiving end of hate and bias, Christopher has lived a life that celebrates who he is, regardless of what others may think.
Christopher Swan
Clients Are Discovering What They Need

"Christopher took the painstaking time to break it all down with me and helped put things into perspective.
Let’s take a DeLorean back to 2011 when I first met Christopher. I was just graduating from my MBA program and faced with several options. Would I continue my education and pursue another advanced degree, would I get a job, if I did, what field should I choose? I’d say my head was swimming, but drowning would be more accurate. Christopher took the painstaking time to break it all down with me and helped put things into perspective. As a result, I stopped caring about the burdensome expectations I had placed on myself and those I allowed to be placed upon me. Ultimately, he helped put me on the path to find my best self. I’m still on that journey, but whenever I get overwhelmed, I think WWCD–What Would Christopher Do? Today, I’m the head of strategy and innovation for the world’s largest experiential marketing agency. It’s a dream job. And had it not been for Christopher’s insightful counsel, who knows if that would have still been the case. What really sets Christopher’s approach apart from others is his authenticity. He took a genuine interest in helping me do the hard work that needed to get done in order to set the stage for the successes that came and for that I’ll forever be grateful."
RYAN Dee // Creative Director
Your Other Options?
While these would probably help, they're not personalized and cost a ton of money and time.
Also, none of them come with a person dedicated to help you and your exact dream flourish.
Adjusted Pricing During the COVID-19 Crisis
Life is rough these days. We're feeling that too. But you can still take control and follow your big ideas and dreams. It may not feel like the right time for change during a big crisis. Or instead, you can see this as an opportunity to take control of your life rather than letting circumstances dictate how you live. We will help you with the uncertainty and take real action this year. We've created special pricing to help more people, now. Take advantage of this pricing until June 30th. After that, plans go back to their standard cost.
Which Option Will Help You the Most?
These are not DIY dream building options. Each one comes with dedicated, guided help from Christopher Swan. You get his expertise, advice, ideas, and accountability. He'll help you work through the fear of starting, the unknown, and get you to finally make it all happen. Let's finally turn your ideas and dreams into a real business or movement.
Find clarity and next steps on one specific project or idea
$ 125
Regularly $195 (Save $70)
Multiple sessions to take action on your dreams and stay accountable
$ 350
Regularly $485 (Save $134)
A built for you plan with two extra long sessions
Regularly $495 (Save $100)
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need to know my passions or big dream?
How much time does all of this take?
What happens if I don't feel like I'm getting what I need from the session?
How do I schedule my sessions?
What if life happens and I can't make my session?
What if I want to add more sessions after my initial session?
© 2021, Accidental Information