Stories, Articles, And Coaching For Dreamers That Don’t Fit In

You Need More Than Inspiration

You have a passion, a big dream, or ideas for a new direction in life. But you’re not sure how to combine it all or which steps to take.


To live a meaningful life, you need actionable advice with real examples of people owning their journey.


We help people discover their purpose and master it, to create meaning in their work and everyday life. Our resources blend inspiration, self-discovery, and how-to, to make it easy to love your life and fuel your dreams. This is how we do it:


You don’t want posts that only tease an idea. You need real-world advice, written from different voices, that answer your questions. We do that, and write about topics with ideas that you can apply to your life.


It’s awful feeling stuck in a life you don’t love. We’ll help you get clarity and take action on your dreams by connecting the dots, seeing the stuff you don’t, and helping plan your project, business, or social movement.

Get Focused
Follow My Dream
Jump Start My Dream

Celebrate Your Differentness

We know that everyone is different and so are your dreams. That differentness is the key ingredient to a genuine purpose, happy life, and a world where everyone belongs. And we celebrate people that don’t fit in – from the LGBTQ+ community to people with disabilities to people living with mental illness to all others living in marginalized communities. No matter who or what you are, we believe in you.


If you’re ready for help from supporters that understand you and your ideas, then you’re in the right spot.

Exactly What You Need

The last few years it has become so clear to me that sharing our stories helps others more than we can possibly know. I love the diversity of the guests and the topics that they discuss. It’s an amazing reminder that we are on this journey together and our stories make a difference. I highly recommend listening to this podcast!” – Tiffany Burns


“Christopher took the painstaking time to break it all down with me and helped put things into perspective. As a result, I stopped caring about the burdensome expectations I had placed on myself and those I allowed to be placed upon me. Ultimately, he helped put me on the path to find my best self. I’m still on that journey, but whenever I get overwhelmed, I think WWCD – What Would Christopher Do?” – Ryan Dee

Your Story Matters

Did you know we all have a story? It’s the experiences and journey we’ve had in life. It’s everything that makes you who you are – the weird, fun, sad, and everything else. And it’s part of creating a meaningful life. Get this FREE sticker and tell everyone that your kind of different is exactly what the world needs.
Our Stories Matter

Ready to Find Your Passion or Follow Your Dream?

Choose one of these options to start your new adventure.


Others are doing what they love, changing the world, and being who they are. These shows are full of inspiration and real-life examples of people living lives they want.


Need ideas and advice to change your life? Our topics range from living an intentional life, discovering more about your uniqueness, and more.


For the person serious about taking charge of their dream, business, and life – coaching is the best choice. We offer personalized help for you and your dreams.